Key Facts About Us

Students: 153

Year established: 1926

Faculty & Staff: 25

Average class size: 15 students

A Note from Mrs. Tran

I hope you are all enjoying this weather as much as I am—I’m sure it’s making your kids even more anxious for summer to be here. If you didn’t hear from your children, we had a number of adorable and slimy visitors this last Tuesday from Wildlife Encounter. We saw a wide number of animals—one of which I’ve never seen at even the Omaha Zoo. Although the animals and presentation were highly enjoyable and insightful, it was the students who impressed me the most. The presenter made it clear that the animals needed silence to make them comfortable and welcome. Our students did such a wonderful job meeting these expectations. There were only a couple times that they needed reminders—one being when a giant Boa Constrictor was put in the hands of a sixth grader (can’t blame them for that!). They also impressed our presenter by knowing some complex ideas—the name of an animal who is the cousin of raccoons and what the beak of a parrot is made of. I honestly can’t recall either of these myself because I had never heard of either! I’m looking forward to being back part-time next Wednesday!



In the climate of the Gospel values, we strive to provide academic excellence as we serve as a school community and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.


To Know, Love and Serve God

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